Sngilmore’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Dance Evolution March 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephanie's Blog @ 5:01 pm

This video sums up all the greatest dance moves throughout history! If you don’t know how to dance check this guy out and he’ll teach you every style you’ve ever heard of! If you’re not convinced by the end that dancing is for you then it’s still awesome to watch this comedian take dancing to a new level.  Although it is clear he may not have had proper training as a dancer I can definitely say that I appreciate his moves and the dedication he puts into each style of dance he presents! He gets an A+ in my book!


2 Responses to “Dance Evolution”

  1. teachingpr Says:

    I can’t believe I just spent 6 minutes of my life watching it, but that was fun. 😉

  2. Chris Says:

    That video is hilarious! I actually remember dancing to some of those songs in grade school/middle school, but the worst part is that we actually thought we were cool :).

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